

定位器是在页面上标识元素的一种方法。它是传送给 查找元素 方法的参数。

查看 鼓励测试练习 寻找 定位器的小技巧, 包含在查找方法中,不同时间,不同原因下,单独声明的定位器的使用方法。


在 WebDriver 中有 8 种不同的内置元素定位策略:

定位器 Locator描述
class name定位class属性与搜索值匹配的元素(不允许使用复合类名)
css selector定位 CSS 选择器匹配的元素
id定位 id 属性与搜索值匹配的元素
name定位 name 属性与搜索值匹配的元素
link text定位link text可视文本与搜索值完全匹配的锚元素
partial link text定位link text可视文本部分与搜索值部分匹配的锚点元素。如果匹配多个元素,则只选择第一个元素。
tag name定位标签名称与搜索值匹配的元素
xpath定位与 XPath 表达式匹配的元素

Creating Locators

To work on a web element using Selenium, we need to first locate it on the web page. Selenium provides us above mentioned ways, using which we can locate element on the page. To understand and create locator we will use the following HTML snippet.

.information {
  background-color: white;
  color: black;
  padding: 10px;
<h2>Contact Selenium</h2>

<form action="/action_page.php">
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="m" />Male &nbsp;
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="f" />Female <br>
  <label for="fname">First name:</label><br>
  <input class="information" type="text" id="fname" name="fname" value="Jane"><br><br>
  <label for="lname">Last name:</label><br>
  <input class="information" type="text" id="lname" name="lname" value="Doe"><br><br>
  <label for="newsletter">Newsletter:</label>
  <input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="1" /><br><br>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

<p>To know more about Selenium, visit the official page 
<a href ="www.selenium.dev">Selenium Official Page</a> 


class name

The HTML page web element can have attribute class. We can see an example in the above shown HTML snippet. We can identify these elements using the class name locator available in Selenium.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "information")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver.find_element(class: 'information')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.className('information'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.className("information"))

css selector

CSS is the language used to style HTML pages. We can use css selector locator strategy to identify the element on the page. If the element has an id, we create the locator as css = #id. Otherwise the format we follow is css =[attribute=value] . Let us see an example from above HTML snippet. We will create locator for First Name textbox, using css.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#fname")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver.find_element(css: '#fname')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.css('#fname'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.css("#fname"))


We can use the ID attribute available with element in a web page to locate it. Generally the ID property should be unique for a element on the web page. We will identify the Last Name field using it.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.ID, "lname")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver.find_element(id: 'lname')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.id('lname'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.id("lname"))


We can use the NAME attribute available with element in a web page to locate it. Generally the NAME property should be unique for a element on the web page. We will identify the Newsletter checkbox using it.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.NAME, "newsletter")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver.find_element(name: 'newsletter')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.name('newsletter'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.name("newsletter"))

If the element we want to locate is a link, we can use the link text locator to identify it on the web page. The link text is the text displayed of the link. In the HTML snippet shared, we have a link available, lets see how will we locate it.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
	driver.findElement(By.linkText("Selenium Official Page"));
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, "Selenium Official Page")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
	driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Selenium Official Page"));
    driver.find_element(link_text: 'Selenium Official Page')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('Selenium Official Page'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.linkText("Selenium Official Page"))

If the element we want to locate is a link, we can use the partial link text locator to identify it on the web page. The link text is the text displayed of the link. We can pass partial text as value. In the HTML snippet shared, we have a link available, lets see how will we locate it.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
	driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Official Page"));
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, "Official Page")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
	driver.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText("Official Page"));
    driver.find_element(partial_link_text: 'Official Page')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText('Official Page'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Official Page"))

tag name

We can use the HTML TAG itself as a locator to identify the web element on the page. From the above HTML snippet shared, lets identify the link, using its html tag “a”.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver.find_element(tag_name: 'a')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.tagName('a'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.tagName("a"))


A HTML document can be considered as a XML document, and then we can use xpath which will be the path traversed to reach the element of interest to locate the element. The XPath could be absolute xpath, which is created from the root of the document. Example - /html/form/input[1]. This will return the male radio button. Or the xpath could be relative. Example- //input[@name=‘fname’]. This will return the first name text box. Let us create locator for female radio button using xpath.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@value='f']")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver.find_element(xpath: "//input[@value='f']")
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.xpath('//input[@value='f']'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath('//input[@value='f']'))

Utilizing Locators

The FindElement makes using locators a breeze! For most languages, all you need to do is utilize webdriver.common.by.By, however in others it’s as simple as setting a parameter in the FindElement function


Move Code

    import org.openqa.selenium.By;
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "information")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver.find_element(class: 'information')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.className('information'));
    import org.openqa.selenium.By
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.className("information"))


The ByChained class enables you to chain two By locators together. For example, instead of having to locate a parent element, and then a child element of that parent, you can instead combine those two FindElement functions into one.

        By example = new ByChained(By.id("login-form"), By.id("username-field"));
            WebElement username_input = driver.findElement(example);


The ByAll class enables you to utilize two By locators at once, finding elements that mach either of your By locators. For example, instead of having to utilize two FindElement() functions to find the username and password input fields seperately, you can instead find them together in one clean FindElements()

        By example = new ByAll(By.id("password-field"), By.id("username-field"));
            List<WebElement> login_inputs = driver.findElements(example);

Relative Locators

Selenium 4 introduces Relative Locators (previously called as Friendly Locators). These locators are helpful when it is not easy to construct a locator for the desired element, but easy to describe spatially where the element is in relation to an element that does have an easily constructed locator.

How it works

Selenium uses the JavaScript function getBoundingClientRect() to determine the size and position of elements on the page, and can use this information to locate neighboring elements.
find the relative elements.

Relative locator methods can take as the argument for the point of origin, either a previously located element reference, or another locator. In these examples we’ll be using locators only, but you could swap the locator in the final method with an element object and it will work the same.

Let us consider the below example for understanding the relative locators.

Relative Locators

Available relative locators


If the email text field element is not easily identifiable for some reason, but the password text field element is, we can locate the text field element using the fact that it is an “input” element “above” the password element.

By emailLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).above(By.id("password"));
email_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "input").above({By.ID: "password"})
var emailLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.TagName("input")).Above(By.Id("password"));
      driver.find_element({relative: {tag_name: 'input', above: {id: 'password'}}})
let emailLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('input')).above(By.id('password'));
val emailLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).above(By.id("password"))


If the password text field element is not easily identifiable for some reason, but the email text field element is, we can locate the text field element using the fact that it is an “input” element “below” the email element.

By passwordLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).below(By.id("email"));
password_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "input").below({By.ID: "email"})
var passwordLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.TagName("input")).Below(By.Id("email"));
      driver.find_element({relative: {tag_name: 'input', below: {id: 'email'}}})
let passwordLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('input')).below(By.id('email'));
val passwordLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).below(By.id("email"))

Left of

If the cancel button is not easily identifiable for some reason, but the submit button element is, we can locate the cancel button element using the fact that it is a “button” element to the “left of” the submit element.

By cancelLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).toLeftOf(By.id("submit"));
cancel_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "button").to_left_of({By.ID: "submit"})
var cancelLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.tagName("button")).LeftOf(By.Id("submit"));
      driver.find_element({relative: {tag_name: 'button', left: {id: 'submit'}}})
let cancelLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('button')).toLeftOf(By.id('submit'));
val cancelLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).toLeftOf(By.id("submit"))

Right of

If the submit button is not easily identifiable for some reason, but the cancel button element is, we can locate the submit button element using the fact that it is a “button” element “to the right of” the cancel element.

By submitLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).toRightOf(By.id("cancel"));
submit_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "button").to_right_of({By.ID: "cancel"})
var submitLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.tagName("button")).RightOf(By.Id("cancel"));
      driver.find_element({relative: {tag_name: 'button', right: {id: 'cancel'}}})
let submitLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('button')).toRightOf(By.id('cancel'));
val submitLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).toRightOf(By.id("cancel"))


If the relative positioning is not obvious, or it varies based on window size, you can use the near method to identify an element that is at most 50px away from the provided locator. One great use case for this is to work with a form element that doesn’t have an easily constructed locator, but its associated input label element does.

By emailLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).near(By.id("lbl-email"));
email_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "input").near({By.ID: "lbl-email"})
var emailLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.tagName("input")).Near(By.Id("lbl-email"));
      driver.find_element({relative: {tag_name: 'input', near: {id: 'lbl-email'}}})
let emailLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('input')).near(By.id('lbl-email'));
val emailLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).near(By.id("lbl-email"));

Chaining relative locators

You can also chain locators if needed. Sometimes the element is most easily identified as being both above/below one element and right/left of another.

By submitLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).below(By.id("email")).toRightOf(By.id("cancel"));
submit_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "button").below({By.ID: "email"}).to_right_of({By.ID: "cancel"})
var submitLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.tagName("button")).Below(By.Id("email")).RightOf(By.Id("cancel"));
      driver.find_element({relative: {tag_name: 'button', below: {id: 'email'}, right: {id: 'cancel'}}})
let submitLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('button')).below(By.id('email')).toRightOf(By.id('cancel'));
val submitLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).below(By.id("email")).toRightOf(By.id("cancel"))